iPhone is the world’s most powerful personal device. iPhone is a wonderful product from the line of smartphones from apple inc. It has a series of phone like iPhone SE, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S plus etc. The most recent iPhone model is iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus.
Different version of iOS offer you different app. Such as iOS 8 comes with many improvements and plenty of new features like: continuity, Apple Play, SMS Relay. But, many of these features will not work on old Apple devices, like iPhone 4, due to limitations. And many app now require iOS 7 to run smoothly, but that doesn’t mean you cannot get a compatible version of the app installed.
To get a compatible version of app installed we need to follow the given steps as follows:
Step 1: First of all, you need to launch the app store.
Step 2: Then login to the app store through iTunes in Mac.
Step 3: Search for the app you wish to install in your iPhone.
Step 4: Once the app is installed, the app will be added to your purchased history.
Step 5: Now your app is ready for use.
For any further queries related to iPhone you can contact to iPhone tech support number which is available 24/7.
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