What if you forget the lock screen password of your Windows 8 OS ? Well, you are not supposed to be bothered anymore as changing this password is possible for you. The ones who are looking for changing or resetting their lock screen password need not contact Windows 8 customer service as they can reset their password in the following way:-
If any Microsoft account is attached with your computer then you need to reset your password by using the online form
Once you go to the online form, then you will have to confirm complete address and mobile number where you want to receive your reset code to
In case you don’t have access to your mail id and number then you need to fill out the questionnaire which also includes the security questions
Once your information is verified, then you will be helped to create a new password
Once you are able to reset your password, then you will be able to login in an easy manner
Once you have successfully fixed your issue, then you will be able to sign into your lock screen without any problem. However if you fail to do so with the help of the above said steps, then all you need to do is to get rapid solutions for fixing these issues. This problem can be easily warded off if you take online help from the pool of experienced engineers who have access to the best ways to counter or handle the issues which have landed you into unavoidable circumstances. The tech engineers who identify your predicaments, can proffer you affordable Windows 8 customer service for every tech problem you are struggling with.
The Windows 8 technical staff is a group of highly seasoned technicians who never give up and offer you excellent services to provide quick removal to your variety of technical hitches. Hence if you are the one who is willing to avail rapid online solutions for the quandaries pertaining to Windows 8, then call Windows 8 technical support number in an instantaneous manner.
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